Thursday, October 04, 2007
What is Well Deserved

Monday, September 10, 2007
Week 1 - Guts and Glory

Brett Favre puts on a few classic moves in a gift of a win from the Eagles!
Tom Brady stands flat footed and Imperial as the leader of the Patriots!
They got it right at http://www.femalefan.com/....
That describes NFL Sundays perfectly for me. I figure I'm "productive" enough if the breakfast dishes are washed before halftime.
Why do I feel so entitled to my football time?
Simply because I'm an American?
No, I have plenty of friends who spend their Sundays elsewhere. For one, cleaning all the sheets in the house is preferable to one minute of football. Actually, most of the time I watch football alone.
The loves we adore from afar can become most powerful. When I was growing up, a girl never had a chance to play in a game.
Now there are plenty of youth Flag Football Leagues for boys and girls around the country. I hope they play on and on.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Speaking the Truth

Manning had every right to speak up against Barber for insulting him about his leadership. It's true that Barber called his own leadership and heart into question when he announced his retirement mid-season, but let's put this into perspective. Commentator Marshall Faulk was right when he described this story as "fun."
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
"Before" the Verdict

Sunday, July 15, 2007
One more Chance for Michael Vick

Michael Vick, of the bounding speed
and terrible personal reputation, may
have at LEAST one more chance on the
football field this fall.
Because the Falcons drafted Joey Harrington. Yes, I think he is one of the good guys, but Harrington is a NON rushing quarterback who throws just as many interceptions as Vick.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Faithful... for a Day
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
So Lawng, Keyshawn

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
NFL decisions support my "Theory of Stored Energy"

In the 2006 season, Parcells took vet QB Drew Bledsoe out of the game and put in backup Tony Romo. Three years on the practice squad and the sidelines had given Romo an understanding of the game, and the physical freshness to beat the fastest linebackers around the corner. He had all the talent, but hadn't taken the years of pounding. The guy was romping around the field with constant New Sneaker energy, and he brought significant success to the team.
2) This year's NFL Draft:
Surprisingly, another way to increase your Stored Energy Value is through injury. Many teams used their top picks this year to draft players who had been injured and had to sit out for a chunk of their college careers.
The Oakland Raiders drafted running back Michael Bush in the fourth round. He was favored to win the Heisman Trophy until he broke his leg halfway through last season.
DT Justin Harrell, Green Bay's first pick, missed most of his senior year because of a ruptured tendon in his bicep. Brandon Jackson, Green Bay's second pick, is coming off surgery in both shoulders. As a seventh round pick, how about DeShawn Wynn, whose rash of injury problems limited his playing time and effectiveness most of last year?
I'm glad the Patriots took Randy Moss, especially since Ted Thompson said he was actually considering him for the Packers! In the sunset of his career, Bret Favre does not need a snarling showboat who has admitted to "dogging it" when he was at Oakland. He needs a snarling showboat who can give everything he's got to catch the ball.

Friday, March 23, 2007
Survive the Offseason - Tips #2, #3, #4, #5
Football History - Real
http://www.davesfootballblog.com has fascinating facts about football's origins.
He traces it back to China. (3/19/07 entry)
Football History - Mine
I've been leafing through some of my old football trading cards from the '70s.

The Walter Payton rookie card is getting $175.00 bids on eBay,
whereas Phil Simms' rookie card is holding at .99 cents!
Hmm, I could spend the better part of the offseason tallying up imaginary auction money from my childhood hobby, or maybe I'll just tune into
#4 All the NFL Europe games (There are only 6 teams in the league) which are airing on NFL network starting April 14 and culminate with the World Bowl on June 23rd.
#5 : Three more new episodes of Friday Night Lights! (NBC Weds, 8pm)
Goings on in the plot: A high school coach keep the steroid use of one of his players a secret, QB Matt Saracen miraculouly gets his team to the state championship, and a beautiful single mom in her thirties succumbs quickly to the temptation of young Tim Riggins' physical charms.
Sure, it's hyped up drama, but there remains an emtional truth within this world. Wheelchair bound Herc never lets up on the tough love with Jason Street, the newly paralyzed star quaterback. Though Herc knows it would have been good for Jason's recovery to make the US Olympic Quad Rugby team, "It's a championship, not therapy."
Then there's the moment between the philandering Buddy Garrity and his sweet teenage daughter, Lyla, when Buddy solicits Lyla's help putting together a family photo album to try and win the forgiveness of his betrayed wife. Lyla refuses, saying "I don't want to take sides."
This reminded me quite a bit of my own experiences with my parents as they were splitting up. I couldn't give either of them everything I felt, and the crushed and frantic look that burned onto Buddy Garrity's face reminded me of my own father when he was afraid he was going to lose me, too.
So, what's that got to do with football? Hey, this is survial in the offseason, baby!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Following the Bouncing Players

The Dallas Cowboys cut Drew Bledsoe loose. I think that's the least they could do for him, but I don't get why they signed Brad Johnson. He's been in the league even longer than Bledsoe, and is coming off a terrible season!
I was also surprised to learn that the Bears traded away Thomas Jones to the Jets, when the running combination of Jones and Benson was such a key to their great season. But hey, even Super Bowl Champion Colts RB Dominic Rhodes is visiting the Bills this week.
Green Bay let Ahman Green go, and even though he's been their leading rusher for years, I think it was a good move. I hope Henderson stays, but they still need an explosive back, and they'd better grab a good one in the draft. This time, let's hope they find someone without such a tendency to fumble
Everyone made such a big stink about the building and melding a young offensive line to protect Sir Brett, but don't forget, without a MAJOR running game, Favre is going to be forced to throw way too often, and that's when the interceptions start flying, too.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
On the road to the draft / On the road to recovery
Huge and humble LSU QB Jamarcus Russell impressed a lot of coaches, whereas the favorite QB coming in, Brady Quinn, may have lost a little ground when he declined to work out for the combine. But Quinn is an amazing QB, and I hardly think he will not be snapped up quickly by the NFL. He's talented and increbily confident, not mention he's in amazing shape.

When he stepped on the scale to be weighed wearing just his workout shorts, the male announcers were falling over themselves to admire his physique. "Just look at that body!" They reported. (Hey, they said it first.)

Brett Favre finally has the ankle surgery that he's been putting off for four years!
The bone spur removal procedure went well and the Packers believe Favre will be ready for the post-draft veteran mini camp May 18th.
Funny to think of Iron Man Favre procrastinating surgery for four years. After 257 consecutive starts, broken thumb, concussions and three hundred pound lineman smashing him to the turf, what's he got to be afraid of?
The only thing I can think of is the fear that, at the age of 37, he wouldn't be able to make a full recovery. He'd gotten used to playing with the pain, but surgery was the unknown. My helmet's off to him for his belated bravery.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
NFL Network Coverage of Scouting Combine Starts Today!

Not only do the athletes have to be faster than the wind and bench press their guts out, they have to take The Wonderlic Test, an Intelligence test the NFL has been administering for about thirty years. ESPN's Jeff Merron provides some sample questions, if you're game. I admit, I got three wrong.
NFL prospects score about average. Chemists and doctors a bit higher, but when's the last time you saw a Chemist somersault into the end zone?
For the complete listing of NFL combine coverage, go to NFL Network TV schedule.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Survive the Offseason - Tip #1

The TV series opened with the star quarterback taking a hit that put him in a wheelchair. While certainly guilty of pulling emotional strings with its audience, this device has worked to shake much of the usual teenage artifice from the characters, and how they relate to each other.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Breaking records, but not our hearts..?


Thursday, February 01, 2007
How Close did You get to the "Big Game?"... PLUS Snacks!

Peyton Manning, after nine years in the league, college, high school, and back to the previous generation. Rex Grossman’s father played college ball, and grandfather played in the NFL - for the Colts, no less!
That’s not to say the parents, much less the public, hasn’t realized their own share of dreams, but the closest I ever got to my “big game’ was high school basketball, and you might have nicknamed me the "Archie Manning" of point guards.
If you're a Colts fan looking to serve some authentic Indianapolis food at your SB party, look no further than the Fried Pork Tenderloin Sandwich.
The pictures alone are enough to give me indigestion, but the natives swear by it.
Did you know a pro football player burns through about 4,000 calories during a game? Thanks, L.A. Times Health section, for reminding me that my guacamole dreams far out"weigh" my caloric couch reality.
the Colts or the Bears?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Last Stop before the Super Bowl
not a pundit really knew just which teams would succeed.

Peyton Manning in his helmet and Dungy in his cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's snap.
When what to their gaping eyes did appear, but Teddy Bruschi unchecked
and the fans holding their cheer.
On tackle, on center and Addai who can block
Halt Blitzn' right now or I'm going to get sacked!
Tomorrow the Super Bowl teams will be decided.
I'm rooting for Colts because Tom Brady's already won three Super Bowls.
Monday, January 15, 2007
You Sir, are No Devin Hester

Thursday, January 11, 2007
TONY ROMO's slip gives him heaviest chin in NFL
Football players talk a lot about character, about never giving up and getting up after you've been knocked down. I think Romo will use this to his advantage in the coming seasons. Maybe it's a good thing in the long run that he didn't get too much too fast. Look what happened to Ben Roethlesburger. Super Bowl Champ his rookie year, then flat on his face the next.
I hope Parcells comes back, and I think how they just lost will definitely be a factor in his decision. He will want to redeem himself.
Everyone's got sympathetic comments for Romo, from T.O. at the post game press conference to the bloggers at www.ivillage.com/femalefan. Several posts at the Cowboys fan forum are even floating the idea that the ball that slipped through Romo's fingers may have been "greased," but there's no getting away from the fact that this botched snap "monkey" is going to be on Romo’s back unless and until he can get the Cowboys beyond the first round of the playoffs, no matter how much his teammates (or even Carrie Underwood) try to comfort him.
It's so amazing how one mistake can instantly re-define a player. I just hope it doesn’t re-define his whole career.